Welcome to the City of Cupertino's Climate Action Dashboard!
This dashboard serves as a community hub to track the City's sustainability initiatives and progress on our Climate Action Plan 2.0, our ambitious plan to put Cupertino on the path to achieve net negative carbon emissions after 2045. Here, you can see the actions the City is taking, learn how you can help reduce your own emissions, and access the latest updates about our work.
If you're unfamiliar with the City's Climate Action Plan 2.0, watch this video below for an overview of the plan and its five areas of focus: Energy, Transportation, Waste, Natural Environment, and Adaptation.
July 31st, 2024
The City of Cupertino is thrilled to announce the launch of its new Climate Action Dashboard, created in partnership with ClimateNav, a startup dedicated to helping local governments decarbonize and achieve a sustainable future.
The Climate Action Dashboard will be the main hub for the City to share updates on its sustainability goals, track the latest progress metrics, and communicate details about the various programs the City supports and manages.
The Dashboard also provides valuable information for Cupertino residents on how to reduce your own individual carbon footprint, participate in local sustainability projects, and stay informed with the City's latest climate initiatives.
Recognizing the threat that climate change could have on our community, Cupertino's City Council declared a climate emergency in 2018, calling for urgent action to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions and address the climate crisis. Since then, the City has made incredible strides including drafting and adopting the Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2.0 which establishes a plan for the City to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040.
We'd like to welcome you to Cupertino's Climate Action Dashboard which explains our latest progress on the CAP 2.0, provides useful information about how you can reduce your own carbon footprint, and serves as an information hub to bring all relevant stakeholders together in the pursuit of local climate action.
Below is a graph of overall, community-wide emissions in the City of Cupertino. The graph shows historical emissions between 2010-2021, as well as forecasts of how Cupertino's emissions may change over time in three scenarios: (1) if the City continues "business as usual," or (2) if the City successfully achieves its climate goals as adopted by the City Council, and (3) if the City fully implements the CAP 2.0 and achieves associated reductions. Click "Explain this graph to me" for a more in-depth explanation of the graph.
This CAP 2.0 aims to establish new systems that are resilient and equitable and make substantial progress towards carbon neutrality in the future. Future CAP updates past 2030 will outline new measures and actions that Cupertino will implement to stay on track with the City Council's proposed target for carbon neutrality by 2040.
An aerial view of the City of Cupertino, CA, home to over 57,000 people and a center of innovation, cultural exchange, and storied history. Cupertino's City Council is committed to taking climate action seriously and to preserve the environment and promote resilience in our community.